...my home for all things fic related.

Tides Chp3:

"Remember the tide may come and wash away your sandcastle, but the sand still remains, allowing you to build something new. "

Wednesday, 24 February 2010


Hot, isn't it?

Well the above picture is going to be chapter 2 of the Details fic I did. I'm working on it, and it should be ready early next week. It will be posted on Fanfiction and TWCS.

I will continue to post my fics on FanFiction, but given their content, I don't think it will be long before they disappear. I've updated the links on the left to show where all my other fics are, just incase they do. Updating onto Fanfiction will be my lowest priority, so if possible please read and review on another site. I will always tweet my updates and update my threads on Twilighted.

My delicious Elusivetwilight and I are hosting a contest on Fanfiction. Its the Black Balloon Contest, and WE WANT ANGST! Any questions? Feel free to tweet me, or email blackballoncontest@googlemail.com

For now.... I'll leave you all alone to lick the screen!



  1. Thanks for the info doll. I am excited for ch 2 of Details.

  2. Ooooh does that mean you are doing Details this weekend....?

  3. Oh yay......I loooooved the first chappy. I cannot wait to read the next one! Smooches!!
