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Tides Chp3:

"Remember the tide may come and wash away your sandcastle, but the sand still remains, allowing you to build something new. "

Wednesday 10 February 2010

Teaser for First Edition Chp7

Picture Teasers are on Twilighted. Here's a little something extra.

“Hi, I'm Edward. Do you remember talking to me on the phone?”
Gracie nodded. “You're the bad man that said a naughty word to me. Did your Momma let you out of your time out?”
My daughter was so damn cute.
Edward chuckled, and knelt down to her level. Her hand squeezed mine a little tighter.
“My Mom was very angry with me for saying that to you. She said I could leave my time out, if I came to apologize to you.”


  1. Well, he's handling being around the kiddo quite wellso far. Oooh. The official introduction, yeah? That's a big deal.

  2. Getting down to her eye level is good! I hope this all works out. Love you and your writing.
