...my home for all things fic related.

Tides Chp3:

"Remember the tide may come and wash away your sandcastle, but the sand still remains, allowing you to build something new. "

Sunday, 28 March 2010



OK, I've been asked about this fic a lot recently, so I thought I'd explain what the hell I'm doing with it.
Wreckage was my first fic, and pretty much the first full length story I ever wrote. A couple of months ago I decided to reread it and was wincing all the way through. My style has altered a lot since that first one, and I honestly don't think I did the story justice. I was very attached to that fic- it's my first born, but it could have been better.
So I decided to pull it and rewrite it.
The basic story will remain, but I wanted to do more with it and thats what I'm doing now.
The first two chapters will be uploaded back on FF.net and TWCS soon. There will be no time frame for chapters, just as and when they're ready. This is because some chapters will need more care than others.
I do hope you read them, even if you read Wreckage the first time, because there will be significant changes.
Thank you!

On another note....the contest I'm a part of is hitting the last week of submissions. The Black Balloon Contest has over 40 entries now and I'm so excited to see the last few come in. Only 20 will go to the public vote, which starts on the 9th. I will list the 20 on here and also tweet the finalist!
Good Luck to all that have entered.

Lastly...I'm always on the look out for angsty fics. I like a dark, torture Edward, but I'm always amazed at how difficult it is to find a good one. So, if you all have any recci's I'd love to take a look at them....please?
Tweet me, or pm me over on FF.net.

....until next time...

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Catching Spiders


2 chapters of Catching Spiders have been uploaded to FanFiction.net. I've also submitted it to Twilighted. The wonderful RoseArcadia made me the pretty banners.

I'm hoping you like my broken Edward & Bella.

The story is primarily Bella's, but there will be the odd EPOV. There will also be a past and a present to each chapter, giving you a real insight into their relationship.

Thank you

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Catching Spiders...


I promised a teaser of the new fic before I rolled it out... so here you go:

Catching Spiders.

I thought love was supposed to make you happy.
I thought love was supposed heal and turn you into a better person.
What I thought was wrong.
I'd been in love with Edward Masen for most of my life, but all it gave me was heartache and a new prescription for antidepressants.
I wish I could say that I was joking, but every time Edward called; every time he got me involved in his level of shit, I was left a sobbing mess, longing for only one thing.
For him to see me.

....As I warned... it's angsty.

Thank you

Sunday, 7 March 2010

What Am I Doing?

I've had a few questions recently about what I'm doing with regards to updates and now that Tides has finished. So I thought I'd update the blog and let you all know.

Firstly, updates. I will continue to post on FanFiction.net until I'm told otherwise. Many people prefer the ease of FF (myself included). I won't edit the chapter of FF, so the exact same thing will be loaded onto FF & Twilighted - again, unless I'm informed otherwise.
Any one shots I do will go onto FF & TWCS. On the left are links to my profile on all of those websites.

Now onto what the hell I'm doing...Tides has now ended, and thank you all for your reviews. I was amazed to see it hit 8k reviews the day it finished. They were wonderful, and I've saved them all. I will miss those characters as much as you wil, but there will be no more - sorry.
I'm working on the final instalment of Details. The last chapter is based on the above picture - sigh! That should be ready sometime this week, and after that there will be no more, no matter what the outtake shots look like :).
Most of you know I'm hosting a contest with my delicious darling - Elusivekoolaid. We're just over a week into it, and there have already been 9 entries. We are hoping for many more. Check out the entries so far.

Lastly, I am writing a new fic. I have a few chapters done, and ready to go. It's called Catching Spiders. I can't really give away too much, just know that its angsty and not of my usual citrusy flavor- I have Tilt & First Edition for that. Chapter 1 will be uploaded onto FF in the next week or so.
The wonderful RoseArcadia is doing some banners for me, and I will post them here when avaliable.I will also post a teaser before I upload it.

I do hope this ramble answered most questions. If not you can Tweet me, or PM me.

Until next time....